This page displays sold house prices for Scott Close in Newark.
Scott Close in Claypole, Newark consists predominantly of detached houses. Properties on Scott Close typically have values around £200,000 - £300,000, but larger detached houses can command upwards of £300,000.
1 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£110,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
29th June 2001 |
1 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£220,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
21st December 2005 |
1 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£82,000 |
Detached house, Freehold new build |
3rd March 2000 |
2 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£205,500 |
Detached house, Freehold |
21st September 2010 |
2 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£201,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
27th August 2004 |
2 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£203,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
2nd April 2012 |
2 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£101,950 |
Detached house, Freehold new build |
2nd June 2000 |
3 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£76,950 |
Detached house, Freehold new build |
28th January 2000 |
3 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£165,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
27th August 2004 |
4 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£92,950 |
Detached house, Freehold new build |
30th June 2000 |
4 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£188,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
10th August 2009 |
5 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£92,750 |
Detached house, Freehold new build |
3rd March 2000 |
5 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£192,500 |
Detached house, Freehold |
7th February 2014 |
6 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£103,000 |
Detached house, Freehold new build |
3rd March 2000 |
7 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£102,950 |
Detached house, Freehold new build |
3rd March 2000 |
8 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£126,500 |
Detached house, Freehold new build |
18th April 2000 |
9 Scott Close, Claypole NG23 5FL
£122,500 |
Detached house, Freehold new build |
3rd March 2000 |