This page shows businesses on Sibthorpe Hill. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.
Seafood restaurant
Address: Sibthorpe Hill, Tuxford, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG22 0PJ
Boarding kennel/ cattery
Address: Sibthorpe Hill, Tuxford, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG22 0PJ
Find out what people are saying about places on Sibthorpe Hill.
So many idiots so lttle time. Guess what peeps my evidence from the 1700's is 'Cleveland Hill' and 'Howgate Close' not Sibthorpe as you suggest. Grow up and investigate.... More »
It is 'Cleveland Hill' not 'Sibthorpe Hill'! The correct nomenclature for the residences at the bottom of Cleveland Hill is 'Sibthorpe Place'. What hill there was at Sibthorpe Place was buried with the... More »
Map showing Sibthorpe Hill in Newark.